Wednesday, 9 July 2014

Family-Rejection - The Sad Truth in the Lives of Gay Children

The pain of a gay child is unbearable

Recommend Article
Expert Author Brand Doubell
For most people their family is the ultimate refuge where they can hide from the big bad world, but for gay people it is often not a refuge at all. From your first day on this earth you know that you can hide by the side of your mother. She will always be there if life gets too difficult for you. The moment you grow a bit older you realize that there are certain dangers that only your father can help you with. Then you turn 12-18 and you think you do not need their protection anymore, except of course if there is a really dangerous monster behind you - then you run back home and become a kid again. If you're twenty-something you crawl back for advice, because you realize for the second time that there is no place like home. Even later in life, after the death of your parents, you still have the urge to give up and run back to a home that isn't there anymore.
Unfortunately everything said in the previous paragraph is only true in a relative normal home. The truth is that there are terrible parents, parents who abuse, molest, and destroy their kids. Who among us haven't watched a movie portraying some child-molester without wishing we could climb into the movie and knock the molester's brains out? Most relatively normal people are willing to overlook any transgression, but not molestation and not child-abuse. We might be against capital punishment, but we almost reconsider if we hear about some sick sex-ring targeting children.
What makes it so bad? What is it about child-abuse and child-molestation that brings out the beast in most of us? I guess it is the vulnerability of children. "If you want to pick on someone - pick on me, I'm six-three and weighs 200 pounds, I will show you abuse." Isn't that what we all feel?
Is it possible that the community can feel so strong about something like that and find it acceptable if the kid is gay?
I've counselled many gay kids aged anything between 14 and 18 that go through exactly the same trauma as a molested or abused child. The place that should have been their safe haven, their den or their refuge becomes the biggest danger in their lives - a mother that rejects them and a father that wants to kill them. These are not abusive parents, they would not consider abusing any of their other children, but when it comes to a gay child - they change their ways. I find that the reason for this is because society gives them an excuse. Isn't it true that there is no excuse for child abuse or molestation? That is what we say isn't it? Yet society, religious groups, political parties, and organisations give us an excuse to abandon, abuse, and batter our gay children. It staggers the mind how good people can change into hardened criminals when it comes to this issue.
Maybe you feel that I am exaggerating, maybe you feel it isn't so bad, and that this does not happen all that often. I am afraid it happens more frequently than most people would believe. So next time you laugh at a gay joke, next time you make a humorous gay comment about someone, or next time you verbalize your sympathy for the parents of a gay child - remember you are making a joke about one of the saddest things in our community. What people do not get, is that there are many gay children out there and they might be standing next to you while you are making your joke, and they might go through the same trauma as a molested child. Would you make a joke about child-abuse as well?
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