Saturday, 5 July 2014

The So-Called Gay Agenda

Is there a gay agenda?
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Expert Author Brand Doubell
I am gay, but I had straight parents, I have straight sisters and a brother, I have straight kids, and most of my friends are straight - in fact my best friends are all straight. The so-called Gay Agenda is nothing more than right-wing propaganda. In fact the only ones with an agenda are those who created the myth of a gay agenda. This mythical gay agenda includes the following:
  1. The gay people want to control everything.
  2. They want to recruit all children to become gay.
  3. They want to close all churches and silence Christianity
  4. They are only 2% of the community and yet they manipulate every politician, all the judges, governments, big companies, and large corporations.
  5. They control the media, the internet, and all the movie producers.
  6. They infiltrate school boards, city counsels, parliaments, and the military across the globe.
  7. The control the courts and the different judicial systems in all countries
  8. They are the richest people in the world and they control the world economy.
This Gay Agenda extent over America, Europe, Australia and most of the third world - come to think of it, Buddhism isn't really anti-gay so we probably control the East as well.
The true facts, however shows something totally different:
  1. Only 19 states in America allow same-sex marriages; in more than 30 states it is banned.
  2. In Africa only one country (South Africa) allows gay marriages, in 17 countries homosexuality is allowed, in 34 countries you will go to jail for being homosexual and in 2 countries homosexuality is punishable by death.
  3. In Asia homosexuality is legal in 17 countries, only Israel recognizes same-sex marriages, in 19 countries it is punishable by imprisonment and in 3 countries it is punishable by death.
  4. In Europe same-sex marriages are legal in 10 countries, 12 countries allow homosexuality, and in no country is it illegal.
  5. In South America homosexuality is legalized in 14 countries, 4 countries allow same-sex marriages and in two countries it is punishable by imprisonment.
For a group of people who have so much power according to right-wing propaganda and the so-called mythical Gay Agenda, we are not very influential as far as the law is concerned.
In fact the real power lies in the hands of heterosexuals because:
  1. 0 countries are against heterosexuality
  2. 0 countries will send you to jail for having heterosexual relations
  3. 0 countries will kill you for being heterosexual
  4. 0 countries will deny you your right to get married
It seems that reality is not quite proving the myth of a Gay Agenda. Gay people have to listen to accusations that we are threatening family life, we are threatening straight relationships, and we are threatening straight marriages and family values. Yet, the only people who are denied to be in
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